Arkansas fired coach Bobby Petrino and the CEO of Best Buy is under investigation by the board the "personal conduct"; this is after he stepped down as CEO. And who could forget the CEO of HP debacle that too place back in 2010 when Mark Hurd was fired for sexual harassment.

As a recruiter this is something that no hiring team can foresee...or can they. What can recruiters and hiring managers do to stave off this kind of behavior that can tarnish and otherwise great institution?

Views: 783

Comment by Sandra McCartt on April 11, 2012 at 1:28pm
If anybody thinks they can predict what most people will do in the future in regard to
drugs, sex or rock and roll they need to join the circus and go on tour as a sooth sayer. That is the reason most of these we hear about are a shock. Even if there were past behavior that might indicate a proclivity nobody is going to put themselves in a position to answer the question affirmatively, "was there ever any indication of inappropriate sexual behavior with mr or ms. Jones?"

And maybe there wasn't until he met ms. Smith and the rockets flared. Hein and shein has been going on since Adam and Eve and even God thought they would have more sense than to eat the apple.
Comment by Mike Brown on April 11, 2012 at 3:45pm

Sandra you are dead on and I love the Adam and Eve analogy

Comment by Amy Ala Miller on April 11, 2012 at 4:54pm

First of all, what can we possibly add to what Sandra said? :) Secondly - I don't know that bad behavior is necessarily on the rise, just more visible. Let's face it - office dalliances have been around as long as there have been offices - our personal lives are just way more public now, with FB, twitter, and all the other stuff the internet, smart phones and constant communication has given us.

Comment by Joel Garcia on April 11, 2012 at 6:32pm

I have to agree with you, Sandra and Amy. No way to predict this stuff, as seen in the Adam and Eve analogy. Since then, even the best of people have a tendency toward sin. No child that I know of has ever had to be taught to take the cookie they aren't supposed to eat and then lie through their chocolate chip-stained mouth to cover it up. It comes absolutely natural, and with everything that Amy mentioned, it's nearly impossible to cover up. Which, in my opinion, is a good thing to hold people accountable and remove poor leadership.

On a less relevant note, as a Bible teacher I feel obligated to point out that the fruit Adam and Eve ate is never described as an apple or anything else, just fruit. But the point stands nonetheless =)

Comment by Bill Schultz on April 11, 2012 at 7:28pm

I once had a placement fall thru because of this behavior.   after accepting a lucrative offer, my candidate accepted a gracious invite to the company xmas party, where he proceeded to dirty dance with the CEO's 15 year old daughter.  

Comment by Darryl Dioso on April 12, 2012 at 10:12am

I can't predict my wife's behavior after years of marriage. You expect me to predict hiring executive's? 

Yeah, I'll take my chances predicting the Stanley Cup.

PS > Vancouver and Philadelphia in the finals with Flyers taking it in 6. 

Comment by Suresh on April 12, 2012 at 11:08am

What got Petrino in trouble was Conflict of Interest more than cheating itself. He hired this assistant into his department and paid $20k in signing bonus (???) apparently. She was picked from over 120 candidates who applied. 

A few years ago a Head Football Coach at Notredame had lied on his resume and was fired. This individual was coaching for 20 plus years.

Nothing new, I guess..




Comment by Ted Fitter on April 12, 2012 at 11:59am

"When men have prosperity, then cometh the devil" may sound a bit archaic but continues to ring true. The key is to control the temptation that's inherent in human behavior.

Comment by Andrew Hanneman on April 12, 2012 at 12:44pm

Well I think these high profile scandals are made available to the world due to the ease of access to information.  10 years ago, this would have been swept under the rug. I don't think the behavior has changed, what has changed is it can't be swept under the rug.  I do doubt thought that these things come out when you are not high profile. 

I don't think you can predict this type of behavior, but I can definetly predict someone being a flake etc. 


Comment by Bill Schultz on April 12, 2012 at 1:05pm

@ Darryl- Go Sharks!


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