Job Boards and networks for analytic recruiters

The metric used to determine the price category ($$$ = high, $$ = medium, $ = low) is based on the average number of page views per job ad, as well as cost and duration (30 / 60 / 90 days). Internet traffic volume (*** = high, ** = medium, * = low) is based on metrics computed by Alexa, Compete and Quantast in September 2009.

  • American Statistical Association: Mostly academic candidates, and biostatisticians. Resume access available, active candidates only. Pricing: $$$. Traffic volume: ***.
  • Passive candidates only, industry oriented. Possibility to purchase job ad on AnalyticBridge and DataShaping with just one click, at Pricing: $. Traffic volume: ***.
  • Active candidates only, industry oriented, mostly US. Job ads posted on DataShaping show up on partner websites, including LinkedIn, Indeed, Juju, etc. Possibility to purchase job ad on AnalyticBridge and DataShaping with just one click, at Pricing: $. Traffic volume: ***.
  • Active candidates only, industry oriented, mostly US. Resume access available. Pricing: $$$. Trafiic volume: **.
  • Active candidates only, more academic, more international. No resume access. Pricing: $$. Traffic volume: ***.
  • Active candidates only, more academic. Resume access available. Pricing: $$. Traffic volume: *.

Other interesting niche job boards: WAA, TDWI and analytic associations such as INFORMS.

Starting in September 2009, job ads on the Datashaping network are also displayed on the monthly Analyticbridge newsletter (circulation: 20,000). Offer valid for purchases above $250 on

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