JobDeck and its implications for job boards

By now you’ve probably heard of JobDeck, a modified version of the popular Twitter search application, TweetDeck. A collaboration between TwitJobSearch and TweetDeck, JobDeck has a permanent, specialized search that focuses on jobs. These are sourced from the Twittersphere, based on employment-related keywords, plus additional content from LinkedIn.

Well, it’s gotten the New York Times excited.

But where does JobDeck (and other specialized job-centric social media apps) fit into the job board world? Well, JobDeck is basically a pre-packaged search tool. In essence, JobDeck is competing against Twitter’s own search tool.

In a world of Twitter search tools, a job board wants to ensure that its jobs are visible. Sounds a lot like good old fashioned SEO, eh? And if JobDeck and its relatives begin to gain significant market share, the spoils will go to those job boards who have taken the time to optimize their Twitter job postings.

What does that mean? The right keywords. The right hash tags. The right links (and yes, links that work are good, too!). Not rocket science – but poke around a bit. You may be surprised at how bad some of the ‘automated’ job tweets are with regard to the above.

So take the time with your site to make your job tweets the best they can be. (And it’s probably not a bad time to start tracking their performance, either!)

Views: 229

Comment by Slouch on February 2, 2010 at 11:39am
What advice do you have for those not handling the tweet sentence structure correctly with respect to hashtags and stuff. Thanks.
Comment by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on February 2, 2010 at 11:58am
Include the word 'job'. Spell out keywords, don't abbreviate (i.e., engineer, not eng.). Include location (city, state). Check to find the correct hashtag for your job AND category (i.e., #engineerjobs #iowajobs).


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