LinkedIn Announces IPO - Interesting LinkedIn Facts!

Today, LinkedIn file their initial intent to for a LinkedIn IPO.


Here are some interesting facts about that came out in the IPO filing:
* LinkedIn will be the first US based Social Networking site to go public.
* LinkedIn brought in $161 Million in the first 9 months of 2010.
* 73% of it’s revenue comes from within the US.
* 27% of its revenue is from premium account fees. Is this just upgraded individual accounts or corporate accounts?
* LinkedIn has 90 Million members, and was growing at a member per second at points within the year.
* From October to December 2010 the site had over 5.5 Billion page views.


I think it's the tipping point for Social Recruiting!

and maybe time to start Mastering LinkedIn.


Views: 273

Comment by Slouch on January 27, 2011 at 10:56pm
how many page views a second is that?
Comment by Jonathan Duarte on January 28, 2011 at 4:01am

Slouch... I pulled out my trusty calculator...

First off, it should be noted, that December is the slowest month for most job boards, in terms of visitors and page views.

5.5 Billion Page views in December is equivalent to the following.

 = 177,419,355 page views per day

 = 7,392,473 page views per hour

 = 123,208 page views per minute

 and 2,053 page views per second


Nice numbers.



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