2 months ago yesterday I bravely went out on my own and opened my own firm. Sometimes I feel fantastic and sometimes I feel like I am in the deep end of the pool and someone is offering me a glass of water, not a life preserver. I'm looking for some advice from everyone out there. If you've got some time would you please answer the following for me:

  1. How do you find new clients?
  2. Is there one particular online service you can't imagine doing without as a recruiter?
  3. If there was one thing you wish you had known when you first started out that you didn't learn until later what would it be?

Thanks - appreciate the help!

Jodi Zemrau

email: jzemrau@lvprecruitment.com


Views: 242

Comment by Dean Da Costa on April 27, 2010 at 6:08pm
Try this


Connect on LinkedIn with allot of staffing people and people in companies you would like to do business with they can help you along. Make sure to have a professional on line and social media presence. Try becoming connected to other agencies that have primaries into big companies. Check out LinkedIn and other HR and staffing sites for webinars, splits, and more. Connect and follow other recruiters and see were it takes you. It is all about branding and being connected


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