Picture this: It’s your very first day at your new job and you’re nervous. You walk into your new office and are suddenly relieved when you find out there is a fun onboarding process in store. The onboarding process confirms that you made a good decision by accepting this job and you look forward to your future with this company.

 The importance of an enjoyable and effective onboarding process should not be overlooked. It can help new employees feel welcome and make it easier for them to adjust to their new position and your company culture. Here are some tips that can help you ensure a positive onboarding experience for your new employees.

Play Icebreakers

If you have multiple new employees, consider playing icebreaker games so they can all get to know one another. Two Truths and a Lie, Five Favorites, and Would You Rather are all examples of some great icebreaker games. They can truly “break the ice” and help your new employees feel more comfortable at their new company.

Arrange a Special Lunch

Treating new employees to a special lunch is a nice gesture that they’re sure to appreciate. Consider taking them out to a local restaurant near your office or hiring a catering company to prepare a tasty meal. If the weather is nice, you can host an outdoor BBQ, complete with activities such as cornhole or sack races.

Create a Company Trivia Game

One of the main goals of onboarding is to educate new employees on your company history, products and services, and management team. A fun way to do this is to create a trivia game that revolves around your company and can help new employees learn everything there is to know about your mission, culture, and more.

Time Sessions Appropriately

New employees don’t want to sit through three straight days or weeks of onboarding. Rather than doing all your onboarding at once, mix things up and host multiple onboarding sessions throughout their first week or month. This way, they’ll be more likely to be engaged and you’ll receive their full attention.

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