Microsoft around the world - and dotNET too

5:18 PM EST and I'm here at the Islandia Marriot for Microsoft's roadshow where I get back to my roots and rub elbows and talk high tech. Even better, following the event is the Long Island dot NET User Group. As co-Founder, I'm really proud about how its become one of the most popular tech associations on Lawn Guyland; certainly helps that we have Microsoft to pay for the pizza and shwag.

This is the kind of stuff that recruiters should be part of - year round. Why most recruiters just attend HR related association meetings is anathema to me.

Views: 88

Comment by Jeff Newman on November 7, 2008 at 1:57pm
I think a lot of the reasons why recruiters don't go to these events is because we talk the talk but don't walk the walk.... I always feel like I'm intruding a bit. When I do, I try to go in "classy" and respectful but I always feel, (to quote Billy Joel and keep with the Long Island theme) like The Stranger. Plus, I always want to grab the shwag!
Comment by Steve Levy on November 7, 2008 at 8:39pm
Mismatched shirt and ties, flood waders, or a worn t-shirt always work for me... ;)


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