My New Year’s resolution – get a new job!

Every year millions of people make resolutions that are broken in a matter of days, the most common one is to ‘Get Fit’ and this is also the one that tends to be broken first.  But if yours is to get a new job, then you should defiantly stick to it. You spend most of your life in a work environment so its importance that you enjoy what you do for a job.

There could be a number of reasons for your job not being right for you:

  • You could be feeling that you aren’t getting anywhere
  • Or your career might not be on the path you thought it would
  • Maybe you feel the company isn’t right for you
  • Or, it could just be the classic ‘My boss is not very nice!’
If you are making this year the one that you plan to get a new job, don’t be one of the thousands that give up at the first hurdle. It’s true, job seeking is a full time operation and it can be disheartening at times. But here are some tips on how to streamline your job seeking and they may help you increase the performance of your efforts.

1. Only apply to jobs that you feel are right for you

Don’t waste your time applying for jobs that you know you don’t stand a chance of getting. Focus your time on the vacancies that are right for you in terms of location, wage, level and/or position.

2. Sign up for job alerts

Spend less time browsing the web and let us do the work for you; we can send relevant job alerts right to your inbox. To sign up for these you can register for job alerts with Blue Octopus via this

3. Stay active and keep positive

If you keep yourself active and fit, then you will feel better about yourself when the day comes that you have an interview. Staring at the same old jobs sites everyday can put a real dampener on your spirits. Take a break and do some exercise you’ll feel loads better!

4. Be social

The social network revelation has boomed over the past few years and jobs are now advertised on these every day. In some cases, it can be better finding a job on Twitter or LinkedIn than on a job board as the vacancy is usually advertised in real-time, which means that you would get it before the job boards. Even Facebook are implementing plans to launch their job board in the very near future. If a friend is advertising a job it is likely you will stand a better chance of getting it, as they could recommend you for it. If you are currently job seeking you can follow Blue Octopus on any of our social networks for up to date vacancies.Facebook Facebook Jobs LinkedIn Twitter

5. Follow up

If you have filled in a job application or sent your CV to a company and you haven’t had a response for a few weeks then follow it up. They won’t think that you’re nagging them; it shows that you are keen on the job and might increase your chances of an interview.

6. Ask for feedback

Job seeking can be very frustrating, but the only way that you are going to be able to improve your CV or interview performance is by receiving feedback. If you feel that you were suitable for a job but weren’t successful then ask for feedback and see how you can improve.

Good luck job seekers! 

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