This is a response I wrote to a question on linkedin a few months back.

An MPC has to have it all there in the first place - the skills, the work history, realistic compensation expectations.

However, here is what seperates an MPC from just a good candidate - in other words, someone I'm going to spend TIME marketing....

1. Loyalty and exclusivity. I ask my potential MPC's for 2 to 5 day EXCLUSIVITY - in other words, someone my competition can't deliver to the marketplace. Don't put the resume on Monster, close the job search agents and let a PROFESSIONAL:work this market in your behalf.

2. Availability - they must be able to be presented face to face within 24 hours (or walk on start) and start no less than 5 days from TODAY. This not only creates a sense of urgency I can use to test my prospective clients, but keeps a sense of excitement brewing in the candidate. See #1.

3. I have the ablity to accept the position in their behalf. That's right, I qualify them so well that at the end of the conversation I can say; "So if I find a position that delivers xyz to you, it would be an exact match - correct? And if I find you an exact match, I can accept the position in your behalf, right?" If you get objections - vett them out... find out why they wouldn't do it and counter.

An MPC is your temporary partner. They are someone you believe in enough to take to market, and they're someone to be used to get more req's? Why? Because Mr. client, if you're not interested in this GREAT candidate right now, today, there must be a reason. What would you change about this candidate that would make you want to hire him TODAY?

Then wait.

Respond with: So it sounds like if I found a _______ who could ________ ________ and would _________, then you'd bring them on right away? I'll check my inventory and get right back to you.

Happy Hunting!

Art Pitcher

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