New Data From Quarterly ASA Staffing Employment and Sales Survey

U.S. staffing companies employed an average of 3.22 million temporary and contract workers per week in the third quarter of 2017, according to data released today by the American Staffing Association, remaining above three million for the 14th consecutive quarter.

On a year-to-year basis, staffing employment was essentially flat (-0.7%) in the third quarter of 2017 compared with the same period in 2016.

Temporary and Virtual Recruiter contract staffing sales totaled $33.71 billion in the third quarter of 2017, 4.4% higher than in the same quarter of 2016.

“Staffing companies and their clients continue to report talent shortages across many sectors.” The skills gap is real and growing. The development of new and more effective training, upskilling, and work-based learning programs must be a priority for state and federal government agencies and the business community in the year ahead.”

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