Where has the respect for the candidates gone?
I was trained in recruitment some years ago by the true old timers. The owner of the agency I cut my teeth in had owned this permanent recruiting agency for 30 years at that point. Same office, a handful of the original guys, ashtrays on the desks next to the phone and of course a phone book. No computers, applications or technology. Believe it or not you got smacked in the back of the head and publicly humiliated with vulgar words if your cell phone rang. Still to today they have one computer and one email address for each recruiter. How I lasted their over four years still blows my mind. In order to shorten up a very long and entertaining story, we were taught no respect for the candidate. The client company is king and people are dispensable. That always sat like sour milk in my stomach to me.
Over the years I have been trained by some phenomenal people and true industry thought leaders. With the opportunity to learn and grow as an Executive Recruiter I have gained incredible respect for the candidates themselves. Where do we draw the line with our class, our character, our salesmanship, our relatibility, our concern for the actual person? Do we feel as recruiter that since the candidate is not paying us that they are any less of a human? That they are simply a pawn in our process.
Look friends, I am not the person that has perfected this process however learning. I am not going to "should" on anyone about my thoughts on what to do. But simply want to pose the questions?
**Does a candidate deserve any less than the truth?
**Do they deserve the runaround?
**At the offer process are we really looking out for the best interest of the person or are we willing to jam a deal together so we can paid?
**Are we willing to disclose all of the information to our candidates even if it may result in not being able to close them?
We are not in the business to solve everyone's pains or problems. It is just not possible with the volume of people we network with daily. This is a relationship business not a job business. Jobs will come and go, but the relationships are what I strive for.
I understand the way it feels to put someone to work. The thrill of victory, satisfaction and accomplishment. I am sure you have felt it too. What I have found is that respect is the key to success in my business. It is the ability to truly try to do what is right for all parties. Is the candidate going to look back on this experience and remember my name, our firm, our relationship or will it be one of those things where they wipe it from their mind?
Anyone feel the respect scale tipping more to the side of the client company leaving the acrophobic candidate hanging from the other end?
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