Are these really the dog days of summer? Maybe not, judging from the number of new job sites I’m seeing. Granted, some of these have been around in alpha or beta for a while, some have been flying under the radar, and some are simply new to me – but there seems to be no letup in the volume of start-ups in the online recruiting sector.

This is great, in my opinion. Startups force established players to rethink how they do business. They bring new approaches and technology to the table. Most importantly, they give both employers and job seekers new options for finding each other. I’m for that!

So, without further ado (and in no particular order) here are some new sites that I find interesting:

  • JobvidiUsing your LinkedIn profile, Jobvidi matches jobs to your skills and serves them up. If you apply for a job, you’ll hear from the company within 14 days. Consider this a matching/LinkedIn mashup.
  • ApplyApp.lyUsing either your LinkedIn profile or resume, finds you jobs – with a twist. You can include location (nothing unusual, and limited), job type (intern, professional, etc.), and your MeyersBriggs rating….uh, wait? Meyers Briggs? Yep, the old standby of career counseling offices everywhere is used here – with the catch that you actually have to know what your Meyers Briggs is. Consider this a matching/LinkedIn mashup – with a psychological twist.
  • HireStartsHireStarts says it is a social network for connecting employers with college students. It’s what I call a candidate pay site, charging the job seeker to participate (it does have a basic free membership), and also charging employers to participate.  Also includes videos, a ‘marketplace’, and a few other features – let’s call this one a Ning-like site with video interviews.
  • Jackalope Jobs: As a former Texan, I admit to some lingering fondness for anything related to Jackalopes – so this site caught my eye.  They claim to carry more than 2 million jobs. You can login via LinkedIn, Facebook, or Plaxo (!), then imports your connections. You search for jobs, Jackalope shows you where you know people, ala what SimplyHired has been doing for quite a while – but then you can ‘reach out’ to your connections via the site (i.e., email them). A pretty good implementation, I think. Let’s call this the social media/aggregator mashup with horns.
  • MyJobMatcherNot surprisingly, this site takes your resume and matches it to a bunch of jobs (apparently using a fellow named Bob) to find the right job. This site apparently aggregates content from job boards, who are its primary customer. I think we can call this the job board aggregator matcher-upper.
  • DeveloperAuctionYes, it’s exactly what it says it is: a place where developers can auction themselves to the highest bidder. For technically-astute employers, this site may be a good way to find better talent; for developers, it may pump up their wallet. DeveloperAuction is “currently open only to employees of Facebook, Apple, Twitter, Zynga, and Google as well as Stanford & MIT graduates”. Did you go to Iowa State? Tough cookies! Let’s call this ajob board eBay.
  • Zao: Referrals get a lot of play by recruiters, but are rarely well executed. Zao aims to change this by offering a reward-based referral hiring system. Companies encourage (coerce?) their employees to participate, employees get a graduated series of rewards as their referrals move from candidate to hire- and Zao takes a piece of the action in payment. This one has to be called the Pavlov’s dog model for the job board world.

Are there more? Of course there are! But my fingers are getting very tired, so that’s all for now, folks…

Views: 758

Comment by Tim Spagnola on August 22, 2012 at 7:46am

Great stuff Jeff. Thanks for sharing with the RBC. So interesting to see the continued evolution of job boards.

Comment by Dave Wood on August 22, 2012 at 9:38am

I have to recommend It is fairly unique in that it, solely, targets an untapped regional sub-section of the UK IT industry. Appealing to young people, a good proportion of its user base is made up of recent graduates.

Comment by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on August 22, 2012 at 9:42am

Dave, I'll check it out. Thanks for the heads-up.

Comment by Marcus Ronaldi on August 22, 2012 at 12:13pm

Has anyone heard of a voice activated job board?

Comment by Maya Brooks on August 22, 2012 at 12:56pm

Take a look at too, its a job site and a staffing marketplace for recruiters and companies.

Comment by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on August 22, 2012 at 2:05pm

Marcus, nope, never have, although interestingly enough, I was telling someone yesterday that a robust voice-recognition system on iPhones and Androids will really change the way that job boards function. 


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