Some Managers need to learn the most important lesson of their professional life: 'People don't leave their jobs, they leave certain kind of managers'.
Good managers are people you keep in touch with even after you leave a position. Bad managers are people you keep track of so you can avoid them in future. If employees don’t get along with their managers, don’t like them or don’t respect them, they will leave a company despite a high salary or great benefits.
Mary Kay Ash, the founder of Mary Kay cosmetics, once said about appreciation, “Everyone wants to be appreciated, so if you appreciate someone, don’t keep it to yourself.” That company appreciates its sales force with gifts, recognition and glamorous events. Managers don’t have to go that route, but acknowledging their employees’ work will make a huge difference to retention rates.
“People are definitely a company’s greatest asset. A company is only as good as the people it keeps."
Many managers lack fundamental training in managing people. But, even more importantly, managers lack the values, sensitivity, and awareness needed to interact effectively all day long with people.
Skills and techniques are easier to teach, but values, beliefs, and attitudes are much harder to teach - and harder for managers to learn.
When employees resign, the top reason for their resignation is their relationship with their manager. People leave managers, not jobs or employers.
Soon recruiters will be adding in a job description for a Manager, that he need to focus on both, the management skills and the ability to manage people. In this case the candidate for a manager position must demonstrate that he or she has beliefs, values, and a work style that are congruent with those of your organization.
For sure we will select managers who exhibit these characteristics: Value people, Believe in two-way, frequent effective communication and listening, Want to create an environment in which employees are empowered to take charge of their jobs, Able to hold people accountable and responsible without punitive measures, Demonstrate leadership and clear direction, Believe in teamwork, Place the customer at the center of their reason for existence and regard reporting staff as customers.
Trust me, if you learn this soon, people will never want to leave the company because they will be loyal to you.
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