I once heard a motivational speaker talk about how she continually stayed positive- in the face of adversity, in spite of the doom and gloom life (and the evening news) often brings, and despite the propensity we all have to enjoy some good old-fashioned negativity. After all, it is difficult enough to remain optimistic and thoroughly positive every day when life is bouncing along normally, but is much more challenging in extremely difficult economic times and intense market downturns, such as now.

So, I decided to share this nugget with you, and I challenge you to remember it and make a habit of thinking about it on a regular basis. Like many of life’s most impactful lessons and knowledgeable morsels, it is relatively simple; but don’t let that change the fact that it is a principle that we should all adopt.

The key to Perpetual Motivation is a Deeply Rooted Purpose.

I told you it was simple enough. Now the challenging part- and it will likely take longer than 5 minutes of thinking or an hour of pondering: figure out what your deeply rooted purpose is. Now it can change as the seasons and priorities of our lives certainly do.

As my dad is quoted for saying: “Low-paying is any job that has money as the only motivation for doing it.”

So, as important as money is, go deeper- or you will continually be disappointed. Similarly, this is a principle that some would put in a box labeled “WORK”; don’t do that! Apply it to your life. What are you living for? For some, there may be one deeply rooted purpose for why they are willing to go to work every morning and grind out every single minute of another day with a smile, and yet another purpose for why they do something else; for others, one deep-seeded purpose may be the common motivating factor for all they do.

Which ever it is, FIND IT! Think, ponder, deliberate, and decide what your Deeply Rooted Purpose is. Then focus on it, write it down, work toward it, and more importantly, live for it!

Thanks for reading; until next time,

Jason Weaver
Executive Search and Placement
My weekly blog: www.ESandP.blogspot.com

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Comment by Aditya Pandey on February 18, 2021 at 12:36am

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