Quit your complaining - It's time to get serious!!!!!

For the most part I decided to take the last part of 2008 off. I hung out on RBC…….learned to Twitter…… built my Linkedin network to a sizeable number (Thanks Dave!)…..and for the most part – watched our profession gradually curl up into a little ball – wondering if/when it will be OK to come out. I would venture to say I’ve seen more “Is our profession dead? ” posts than “Hey – guess what? I’m winning!” posts. I'm not just talking about RBC - I get around to them all - ERE, Fordyce, etc. So I'm not singling out any one community here. It's the same everywhere.

Well – I’ve got news for you. There ARE clients hiring. There ARE qualified candidates interested in moving their career forward. There ARE companies who will pay full relocation packages. There are companies who value and NEED our services!

Bury yourself in the work. This is the ONLY thing you can do. If you do not have a job order to work on – find one! They are out there. I know this for a fact. So please do yourself a favor and throw your excuses out the window. Today. NOW!

Avoid the people in our life who want to talk about how bad it is. Tell your unemployed friend you don’t have time to talk right now. Make a promise to your hiring manager and follow through on it.

For the record since getting back to work on January 5th – I have had 7 new jobs orders, 11 sendouts and 3 placements so far. This is all in I.T. which is being hit pretty hard right now.

If you dedicate the next 30 days to the work – OUR work – marketing, interviews, sendouts, lead research – THE WORK – you will have something to show for it. If not – then this is NOT the right career for you – but at least you will know for sure.

Good luck. Call me if I can help you with anything. Helping others helps me! 260-347-1715.

Views: 123

Comment by Dr Simon Harding on February 4, 2009 at 9:10am
Excellent message !
Comment by Alexander Fleischer on February 4, 2009 at 9:25am
I agree!
Comment by Maureen Sharib on February 4, 2009 at 9:25am
Wonderful news.
Comment by Faisal Javed on February 4, 2009 at 9:39am
Nice words my friend...
Comment by Gino Conti on February 4, 2009 at 10:18am
Thanks for the post, Jerry! I agree, it seems like some forums have become a Faulkner inspired 'As Recruiting Lays Dying.'
Comment by Gino Conti on February 4, 2009 at 4:26pm
I owe you double the thanks for this one...provided a reminder and a bit of inspiration for my lastest post.
Comment by Dave Serafin on June 22, 2009 at 5:54pm
This is a great post Jerry...I love the optimism, and even though I'm 6 months late to this post, I agree with you entirely, and can vouch for hard work paying off...I have averaged a placement a month since the beginning of this year. There are recruiters having success in this market, this is where you just have to roll up your sleeves, and grind.


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