My name is Elizabeth (Recruiter Betty) I love comic sans even though I was once told it was the most unprofessional font ever and I am a Technical Recruiter or as I like to say "Technically a Technical Recruiter" I have been recruiting for a short time 109 days to be exact (I know rediculous that I am counting). I have had some corporate recruiting experience in the past and now I am working with a great Technical staffing agency called Island Staffing.

I can say that in the 109 days that I have been a Technical Recruiter I have learned a lot but am still looking for all of the advice and feedback that I can get.I also only have 32 followers on Twitter(so follow me @Ready_Betty) I am always looking for new ways to learn and grow in this field. I am very passionate about recruiting because prior to this position I was the one spending countless hours trying to get hired.

I had been working since I turned 16 and never really thought about what I would do if I became unemployed and I definetly had no idea how hard it would be to find a new position. The day after I became unemployed I was sending out my resume, applying for positions(145 in 6 months to be exact) online and walking in to companies asking if they were hiring(was always directed to their website). The only problem was I had no idea until now what was really happening with my resume. I admit I do not have a great resume and now I understand why I wasn't getting any call backs or interviews. My resume was obviously lacking the "keywords"(so sad) that are scanned by an ATS and definetly was not sticking out to any recruiter or hiring manager. I was sitting behind my laptop spending hours each day going through the application process wondering why I was never getting a call back(silly me). There are so many people out there that are looking for positions who are I am sure spending time trying to get looked at. I feel like my job now is to treat others how I would like to be treated. (This is a topic I would love to blog about, I am finding some applicants would rather not be, LOL)

I would have liked a simple reply letting me know that they did get my application and my resume and just let me know that I wasn't a good fit. My main goal as a recruiter is to treat all of my applicants and candidates with respect and honesty. I went into a staffing agency (still frustrates me when I think about it) the first week I was unemployed and went through the entire process, filling out paperwork, completing asessments(above average scores I may add), interviewing with a recruiter, etc. I was told that by the end of the week there would be interviews for me to go on............never happened! I logged in every morning on the company website submitted my availability and nothing. I WILL NOT BE THAT RECRUITER.

 I am not a "Blogger" I have no idea what I am doing actually! So pardon my grammar,(or lack there of) spelling(where is the spell check? Anyone?) I love to have fun, laugh and I drink A LOT of coffee.

I have several topics that I would like advice on so I hope that I can get some great feedback and some even better discussions going.

Views: 157

Comment by Ryan Leary on April 29, 2013 at 3:12pm

Well - welcome to the community. Great intro. I agree with the comic sans but I do like it. I think a lot of recruiters forget that one day they may be in the black hole of no response themselves. It's hard to push forward when you are jobless and don't hear back. 


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