Successful corporate recruiting requires focus, time, and hard work.  Companies that are very successful finding the top candidates understand that attracting candidates is a sales process.  The amount of effort put into the search for the right candidate is reflected in the quality of candidates presented for interviews.  Are your company’s hiring managers frustrated in the quality of candidate received?  Do they constantly request the aid of search firms (who understand Recruiting is Sales)?

The purpose of this article is to save you money for your company and help you better focus your recruitment efforts.

When I am on a recruiting consulting contract, we discuss the client’s recruitment processes.  While we are working through the process, I point out areas that need to be tweaked or completely changed in order to attract more and better candidates.  The goal is to create a recruitment process that reflects a sales process (demonstrated in “Attracting Passive Candidates?”).

Used in the correct way, technology can be a terrific aid to attract and recruit top candidates.  Used the wrong way, technology will drive top candidates to other companies in droves.

Is your company using technology to track activity and resumes?  If so, you are on the right track.  If you have been sold that technology will help you recruit, you most likely are on the wrong foot and would need a conversation to confirm.

Technology is great for speeding up process.  Unfortunately it speeds up good processes and poor processes alike – just making bad things happen faster.  If you are selling products, like Amazon, technology is fine.  If you are trying to sell yourself as an employer, it is tougher unless you make one of the “Best Employers’ Lists”.  By definition, most companies are not the best place to work – not that they are bad places to work, they just haven’t received recognition yet.

Yes.  Recruiting the sales way takes more time typically than simply filling requisitions.  However the reward for recruiting the sales way is much more productive and happier employees.  They will make your company more profitable and more competitive than people filling desks.

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