Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week 10.9.10 to 10.15.10

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing. This week we’ll be talking about a lot of cool stuff from different observations about this year’s RecruitFest, how to present metrics to executives, if your hiring process is affecting your employer brand and Twitter’s lead in click-through rate.

Here are the articles our that interested us this week (in no particular order), enjoy!:

#RecruitFest 2010 Insights and Reflections by Glen Cathey (@GlenCathey)

Lots of great insights from Glen! In particular, I agree with his take on Technology as well Candidate Experience. Great read!

RecruitFest: The View from a non-HR pro by Leanne Chase (@leanneclc)

Having a marketing background myself, many of Leanne’s views hit home with me. In particular, I liked her take on “horsepower” and “willpower”. Well worth a read!

Candidate Bill of Rights – Wrong Answer by Jason Lauritsen (@JasonLauritsen)

Really interesting take on the Candidate Bill of Rights breakout session at RecruitFest. Definitely agree that a Recruiter manifesto is more appropriate than a Candidate Bill of Rights (but the fact is that action needs to happen and all the talk in the world won’t improve candidate engagement itself). Here’s my take on the same session.

RecruitFest Round-Up by Jason Davis (@slouch)

Here’s a great roundup of all the great RecruitFest blogging coverage.

Is Your Hiring Process Hurting your Employer Brand? by David Lee (@ERE_net)

Nice comprehensive article on how you can improve your hiring / application process to improve how candidates interact and engage with your employer brand.

How to Get Your Executives to Pay attention to metrics (Part 1 of 2) by Dr. John Sullivan (@drjohnsullivan)

This is a little long but well worth the time to read in full. Some great insights into what types of metrics are valuable and how to present them to executives. Talk about recruitment metrics always hits the spot.

Twitter Crushing Facebook’s Click-Through Rate: Report by Fast Company (@fastcompany)

Interesting stats on the click through rates of social media platforms with some cool info-graphics.

Hope you enjoy the list. If you have any articles I should add to the list feel free to add them to the comments or send me an email at or follow us on Twitter @smashfly.

Originally posted on the SmashFly Recruitment Marketing Blog.

About the Author: Chris is the Marketing Analyst for SmashFly Technologies. SmashFly is the provider of the first recruitment marketing platform called WildFire that provides companies and staffing firms with job ad distribution, Recruitment CRM and the best real time recruitment metrics for all their recruiting efforts online.

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