“You are no one if you are not on Twitter”, a song by
Ben Walker is sure to become an anthem for those use social media to communicate every second. Though envisioned as an SMS based social network,Twitter has become a fast and an effective communication tool. Today, it has crawled over every form of business leaving its imprints on them. Recruitment is one industry which has jsut joined the bandwagon.

Twitter is a good bet for you if you are a recruiter and have to get various openings that you have, to job seekers. Apart from enabling you to tap both the active and passive talent pools, it allows you to network with potential employers who may be interested in your offerings. And if you think that you are also a web savvy recruiter and don’t want to lose out in the game then Twitter is an asset which must not be ignored at any cost.
All said and done, we did a research on ways to use Twitter for recruitment. And I have highlighted the 10 commandments here for those of you who are still looking or trying it out.
Engagement: You can build relationships with your clients as well as candidates.
Leads Generation: You can find the prospective people by ways of replies to your tweets on your requirements.
Branding: Twitter is the best for you if you want to brand your client or the employer in the market. You will not realize until you find out that many people on the network are talking about your product or service.
Job Posting: Job posting is a cake walk now as you just have to tweet about your requirements available.
Connecting to Job Seekers: You can also keep in constant contact with your prospective candidates by ways of tweets and retweets on the current status.
News and Updates: Any recruitment related news can be updated at will, anytime.
Hyper linking: Useful contents such as profiles, videos, podcasts and blogs can be linked to your twitter page.
Discussions: You can engage yourself in a series of discussions that revolves around recruitment.
Candidates Research: You can keep track of what your candidates are engaged at.
Be Yourself: Make sure that you resort to quality rather than quantity tweets.
It is believed that if you follow all of these effectively then there is no one who can stop you from being included in those selected few of people who have tapped Twitter for recruitment. The bottom-line is doing whatever that suits your needs with it, because at the end of the day it is the quality of your recruits that matters the most.
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