Sometimes life in college can be challenging and students end up looking for remote part-time jobs. Whether it is to cover the tuition fee or just for upkeep in school, part-time jobs seem to be a good option to cover these expenses. It also makes students have a sense of independence since they earn their own money without relying on parents or friends to give it to them. Most students prefer to take a part-time job along with the study, for example, write essays for money.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the range of part-time is 35 hours or fewer. Students can take even 20 hours a week to balance work and study. Part-time jobs offer many advantages and disadvantages that you need to take into consideration.
Work Experience
Part-time jobs provide a platform for real work experience where the student takes part in completing a certain task that is paid. The work experience is a great skill to include in the resume to help in getting a job after completing their studies. For example, a thesis editor wants to hire a person who understands the dynamics of the writing quality content and can work as a team. A part-time job shows that you have some job experience and have been exposed to the job market which is an advantage over other applicants when searching for a job.
The reason for getting a part-time job is to get extra cash. You can use it to buy school items, pay your bills, tuition fee and that will help you cover basic expenses as you study without borrowing from your parents.
Effective management of money
The amount of money you get for the writing jobs for example in a part-time job at E Writing Service is enough to educate yourself how to budget and manage your finance. Nobody budgets for your expenses and since you put some effort in earning it, then you start to think and plan how and where to spend your money. It also teaches you how to save for other future needs.
Gain useful skills
During this period, you learn how to deal with different people, improve your communication skills, organizational skills, time management, etiquette, and multitasking. You will also develop interview skills and improve in writing and filling job applications.
Networking possibilities
Part-time jobs allow you to meet with different people in the professional world. They provide a perfect platform to grow your network that is useful in building a lifetime career path.
Less time for study
Working while studying means you will have a busy schedule and less time for homework and yourself. Also, you will have less time to rest since you feel tired and exhausted by the time you get home from work. This negatively affects your study pattern.
Increased chances of absenteeism
Part-time jobs may place restrictions on the student’s study time. Due to exhaustion from the work they may be less involved in academic activities and eventually find it hard going to school. Some even look for thesis editor to help them with their assignments in school. The job may even take the time set aside for extracurricular activities.
Poor performance in school
Lack of involvement in school leads to poor grades. Students who work for more than 20 hours a week may find no time to study which results in poor overall performance in class.
No extra benefits
Part-time workers do not enjoy additional benefits like sick leave, health insurance, holiday pay, etc. In case you fall ill while working and take a break then you are not covered for that.
Increased stress and poor health
Finding a balance between work and study can be hard for any student. As a result, they end up stressed as there is little time to study for exams. This means you have less time for yourself and it affects your health in the long-run.
In a nutshell, part-time jobs prove to have both advantages and disadvantages for students. Balancing work and studies is not for everyone. If you have really need to do it, you need to be well-organized and self-motivated. Similarly, you need to find time to concentrate on your studies to ensure you get good grades. So, before getting a part-time job while studying, think whether you will manage both work and study, then go for it.
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