Are you a resume spamaholic? If you are not, then this article is not for you. But how do you know if you are or
are not? Here are the signs to look out for:
1. You apply to jobs you aren’t qualified for.
2. You apply to jobs knowing they are long shots.
3. You apply to jobs just to see what will happen.
4. You apply to jobs without ever reading the job description more than once or in detail.
5. You regularly apply for different jobs in different functions within the same company.
This list can go on and on, but I think you get the point. There is no insult intended. But I have got to raise the consciousness out there
in order to maximize your chances of getting hired. And this equally
applies to the unemployed and employed looking to make a change.
Because it is a tough job market out there, resume spam is on the rise. People with excellent experience & credentials that can not
find a job feel that they have the aptitude to do just about anything.
So they apply for just about anything that might pay well.
The problem is that when you do that, it makes you come across as directionless, under qualified and “iffy” as a serious candidate. You
would expect hiring authorities to be more understanding right?
But job hunting is not about people understanding you, it is about you demonstrating what you want people to perceive about you. And the
ideal traits are ready, willing, able and matched up to the job
You are applying for jobs in a market where qualified people who match the job requirements to the T are in plenty supply, and very few
companies are willing to take a chance on potential. It is part of the
post-recession conservative mindset.
This does not mean doom & gloom for you. There are plenty of opportunities that you are a good fit for. You just have to keep
looking. Once you have exhausted the traditional job hunt channels, then
get creative. Get involved with community groups, church groups and
networking groups. Whatever you do, just get yourself out there.
The only rule I want you to follow is this, “don’t try to build a spaceship with a Liberal Arts degree.” The more realistic you are with
your job search, the higher the quality of your results.
Don’t amplify the downward hiring pressures of this post recession market by making it harder on yourself. Spending energy applying for
jobs that are so far outside of your scope that you are more likely to
win the lottery than get hired will only demoralize you.
By no means am I trying to discourage you from climbing the corporate ladder by leveraging your potential to move up in your career. If you
think you got the goods to take on a greater challenge then more power
to you. But don’t forget my above mentioned rule!
Your objective in a quality job search is to apply for 10 jobs a day that are 90% or more aligned with your background and qualifications. So
if a job calls for 10 years corporate tax experience, a BA in Finance
or Accounting and a CPA license, then don’t apply if you only know
personal income tax and have a degree in economics and no CPA.
You can apply this analogy to your specific field and type of work. The lesson is the same across the board. I sleep 3 -4 hours a day
because I work during the day and do research and write articles like
these at night. Just check my time stamps.
Why do I do it? Because I want you to find a job that makes you feel good about yourself and helps you take care of the things that are
important to you. Most importantly, I want you to get hired once you
have found that job.
And one thing that is working against you is resume spamming. So if you know you are spamming your resume, stop doing it and refocus your
I can assure you that with a focused effort you will generate much higher quality results. You may end up applying for less jobs, but you
will get more out of your effort. Its similar to the old rule, “more
money won’t solve your problems, how you use the money you got, will
determine how you solve your problem.”
Same goes for your job search, “applying for more jobs won’t solve your unemployment or job dissatisfaction problem, conducting a quality
job search aligned with your background and experience will.”
If you have any questions on what qualifies as resume spamming or how to align your background with the right job opportunities, then I will
gladly assist. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me via the numerous
channels of contact I have provided on my blog.
All services I provide are out of the goodness of my heart, so don’t worry if extended unemployment has left you with limited resources. That
is why I do what I do.
So until next time, Make It Happen!
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