As part of my never-ending battle with fake LinkedIn profiles, I noticed that during the overnight, "Eng.Yusif Ibrahim" reached out to connect. Fabulous.
According to his profile, Mr. Ibrahim is "Retired" and in Libya, having worked in "Government Administration."
Since this profile smelled like a pile of rotting fish, I image searched this fellow; nothing of note came up on the first page, but there on the second page – at the top of the second page – was "Mom and Dad Connors" staring back at me.
Hi Mom and Dad!
They're "Retired and enjoying Life."
Which, of course, started my mind down a path that wondered how many other people on LinkedIn are "retired and enjoying life."
Current Title("Retired and enjoying Life") and Current Company("Retired and enjoying Life"): 289
Current Title("Retired and enjoying Life"): 590
Current Company("Retired and enjoying Life"): 64,839
While I'm well aware that even those who are "Retired and enjoying Life" can utilize their networks to help recruiters, profiles likes these quickly add up to marginalize the effectiveness of LinkedIn. Fake and marginal profiles are like a a tick in your throat or hiccups that just won't go away. They're very annoying.
You might be wondering, why do some of us keep bringing up fake profiles?
Because one aspect of being a great recruiter is never being snookered into the quicksand of a source of hire as the only source of hire. No, not everyone is on LinkedIn; not even close. So bringing to the larger community of recruiters a discussion about the quality of a source of hire IS part of the hidden job description in our craft.
If the discussion here on RBC piques the interest of LinkedIn and motivates them to recognize and resolve the issue of fake profiles, then we progress as a profession. If you aren't reporting fake profiles, then shame on you for not caring enough about being a professional.
Well, unless you prefer those who are "Retired and enjoying Life" or people like Zainab Adbul who has attempted to connect with me via four different profiles over four successive days:
Here's the fourth one – but it's already been removed by LinkedIn (thank you LinkedIn):
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