SEO is NOT the Golden Ticket - SEO Demystified

Although SEO seems to be the new buzz in recruiting web 2.0 strategies, it has actually been used for years as a tactic to increase sales for online businesses.

SEO and how it fits into the recruiting industry is greatly misunderstood.

SEO Is just a tool

At the end of the day, SEO is not the end all and be all. It is one tool that can be very effective to have in your tool box. No doubt, if done correctly, search engine optimization can work wonders for getting your jobs seen by people using search engines but it goes beyond just a platform or technique that helps to get your jobs visible in Google. In fact, it's really about optimizing your entire employment brand on the Internet.

SEO may not be for everyone

There's more than just keywords and a few meta tags that go into a successful SEO strategy, if you're not willing to look at SEO as a long term investment, it might not be the best fit for you. Maybe something more instant like SEM (PPC) might be more what you're after. Click here to read more.

Guest post by Nicole Bodem - Chief SEO Geek for Arbita and the blogger behind HR Search Marketing.

Courtesy of the Recruiting Blogswap, a content exchange service sponsored by, a leading site for college students looking for internships and recent graduates seeking entry-level jobs and other career opportunities, and posted on HRM Business Practices and Notes.

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