Social Media Recruiting to Job Aggregators: Grandma's Chicken Soup #33

I am running a week apologies.  I want to thank everyone who stopped by and chatted with us at the HireClix booth during the Fall ERE Expo.  Here are some great photos taken by our friend @HRMargo.

Social media recruiting has really taken off and organizations have numerous questions about this channel and in particular, the legal aspects of social media recruiting.  HireClix is here to help with our next free webinar: Overcoming the Legal Barriers to Social Media Recruiting and it is going to be held on Thursday, Sept. 22nd at 2PM EST. Employment attorney Renee M. Jackson, Esq. of Nixon Peabody LLP, will join HireClix CEO, Neil Costa, to address the legal precautions companies should take as they employ social media channels to screen, recruit, and connect with candidates. The webinar is FREE and we hope you can join us.

The smart money is moving to digital recruiting through social media recruiting and targeted online advertising. Check out this week's social recruiting headlines...

Based on the number of hours people spend on Facebook at work and home, can you afford not to be utilizing Facebook as a recruiting channel?

CHART OF THE DAY: Facebook's Unbelievable Domination Of Our Time On The Web -

A rumor is just a rumor!  It created quite a buzz for a day, but I haven't heard or seen anything else.

LinkedIn and Facebook Partnership Rumors -

This announcement was only a matter of time. How will the job boards with resume databases react?

Indeed Makes it Official and Launches Resume Search - -

The Grandma's Chicken Soup blog stews up the latest and greatest recruiting news, for please follow me @HireClixScott

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