Ahhhhh…..recruiting.  What a life!  Some days I wake up and have so many things to do it’s hard to know where to start first….other days I might watch a movie before starting the day.  My work comes and goes.


Today I kind of feel like a fireman.  You know – always prepared but usually just cleaning equipment.   Making sure everything is in order for when the fire breaks out.  That kind of feeling.


I guess the difference is – I’m not waiting for the call to come in.  I’ve got to call each house in the neighborhood and see if anything’s burning.

Views: 112

Comment by Recruiting Animal on January 27, 2011 at 2:49pm
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Comment by Jerry Albright on January 27, 2011 at 3:02pm
Animal - I would reply to your blog as well - but you're still being moderated and your post doesn't have upper management's approval yet.  But I will as soon as I can......


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