As most of us are aware when there is a shortage of jobs available during these tough economic times means ultimately there is much more competition when searching for a new job. News reports of redundancies and layoffs at large or even small companies are very common at present. Whether you lost your job or want to change to a new position, setting yourself apart is essential to securing a job. Sending in CV after CV without a clear plan or preparation is likely to result in you becoming increasingly frustrated. An organised approach that shows your strengths creates a more productive career search.
Make a list
Build a list of your ideal job type, location, salary and finally your preferred organisation. Keeping in mind that you may have to accept a lower-paying position and work your way up.
Check your CV
Go through your CV and make sure it is currently up to date. Try to focus on providing solid evidence of your skills, using specific examples rather than general qualifications. Show how your qualifications will benefit the employer rather than what you want from the company.
Cover Letter
Write a concise cover letter highlighting your experience and skills from past vacancies and how it will benefit the prospective employer. Customise the cover letter to fit each position and company. This demonstrates that you took the time to do a little research on the company.
Tracking your applications
Make sure you keep a spreadsheet to track every CV, cover letter and application you complete, and of course any interviews you get, and of course log the outcome. You need to use the spreadsheet to keep your job search organised and also as a reminder to follow up after interviews.
Keep in touch
Network with former colleagues, friends, and other professional contacts. Get the word out that you are seeking a job in the hopes that one of your contacts can share a lead on potential employment, networking in this way is sometimes a valuable source of information which you won’t get scrawling through the internet.
Social Networking
You should be actively using social networking when searching for your ideal career. Consider websites such as, Facebook and Twitter to discover other job leads, these sites are proving to be the best place to secure a position or even just receiving good leads that may result in a new job.
Apply to many places
Apply to many different types of roles and organisations, even those in industries or with companies that you wouldn't normally consider, many of these places have opportunities internally that you may never have realised existed.
Contact your local recruitment agents
Work with professional recruitment agencies that specialises in the industries and types of jobs you are considering. No doubt there will be many agents in your area, I know it’s hard to believe coming from an owner of a recruitment company, but I do tend to suggest to my candidates that it may be worth contacting as many recruitment agents as possible (only the good ones of course) to give them the best chance of securing a position.
Contact human recourses departments
Start sending your CV to the human resources department of companies in your area, sometimes you may have to go via their website, even if they do not have positions on view . Getting in ahead of other potential job seekers gives you an advantage when they do need to hire for your skills.
Don’t be shy
I know this is an area some people are a little sensitive about, but I feel to achieve what you want, cold calling companies is a very effective way of showing willingness and passion towards the company you are contacting. Research the company's organisational structure through its website if possible try to target your call to the person who is hiring. Keep the call brief while highlighting what you can do for the company.
If you feel you need to speak to a local recruiter in order to give you more guidance on a successful job search, then I would have no problem in giving you more information. Don’t hesitate to contact me.
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