This is a re-post of my original tagged by Maren post on
Cool Works, which can be found
I just got back from the
Kennedy Recruiting Conference on Wednesday where I met many fun and knowledgeable folks from the recruiting blogger sphere and peeps I follow on Twitter, Facebook, an others. Many thanks to my benefactor,
Cheezhead, aka Charlie, for the invitation.
Well, one super cool gal I met was
Maren Hogan, a marketing/recruiting specialist, based in Omaha. You can read more about her on her blog,
Marenated. She has a vivacious personality and is immersed in the social media world. Get to know Maren. So here are the rules to the tagging game that is taking the Internet by storm.
1. Link your original tagger(s), and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself in the post - some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs and/or Twitter.
So, here are the 7 random and weird things about me in no particular order.
1. I consider myself to be a fairly open minded person with a winning smile or so I've been told.
2. If I believed in reincarnation, I would come back as a cat as long as I could have a wonderful owner like myself who loves my darlings so very, very much.
3. It's not unusual to find me dancing around my house (office) when a need a mini-break from the computer.
4. My addictions are as follows: good food and wine, coffee,
photography, lipstick, People magazine, and dare I say it, social media in all its glorious forms.
5. I met my husband driving tour buses in Seattle and still have my CDL in case this doesn't work out.
6. I have an irrational fear of spiders and "eek" can generally be heard when one catches me off-guard.
7. Why this came to mind I'll never know, but I was a "paper girl" when I was about 12 years old for a community paper in Everett, WA.
Now for the tagging part of the post. Let's see....
* Steven Rothberg of (Twitter: @stevenrothberg)
Recruiting Animal (Twitter: @animal)
* Shannon Seery Gude of
Exceler8ion (Twitter: @seerysm)
Recruiter Guy - (Twitter: @TheRecruiterGuy)
* Catie McIntyre, the
Wild Walla Walla Wine Woman (Twitter: @catie)
* Jenn Barnes aka
HR Wench (Twitter: @hrwench)
Jason Seiden (Twitter: @seiden)
Tag, you're it!
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