Before you decide to skip over this post let me assure you this is not going to be a political post at all. I thought it may be a clever title, you can decide that if you like but I like it. In our line of work you definitely get to meet and speak with a variety of individuals. I particularly spend most of my time recruiting for individuals in the IT field, so I can run into the whole spectrum of people in one day... All of this is besides the point, but basically we meet nice, mean, scared, annoying, angry, condescending people everyday. Today, I ran into one of those last types of people by way of email. I am posting this so some new recruiter doesn't feel like he/she is alone in meeting jerks like this:
"Mr. T------,
My colleagues are experienced seasoned IT Professionals with years of experience and command compensation that adheres to their experience. You shouldn't be reaching out to me to find candidates for positions such as this because the compensation hints entry level between 1-2 years experience and anyone that I know would be insulted by such a opportunity being presented to them.
It is probably recommended that instead of performing keyword searches to gather potential candidates from your search results, you perform recruiting the old fashion resumes and contact potential candidates instead of sending out email blast to your search results.
It will save everyone some time and annoyance of being offended by such request.
I mean, if you are that experienced you probably shouldn't have that much time to craft such a detailed email. And on a complete other side note the old fashioned way isn't always the most efficient way to recruit anymore, hence why we have so many new forms of social media marketing and sites like these. My guess is this guy still lives at home with more cats than he can count and is still running Windows 97 on his dinosaur of a computer.....
Anywho... young recruiters you aren't alone. 99 % of the people you meet or speak with are thankful for your thought and consideration, but there will always be that 1 % who think they are better than anybody else.
Happy Tuesday!
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