No, not the one wearing a suit and bearing flowers (oops, flashback, sorry), but the date of the infamous Smartrecruiters "dinner cooked in my home by a Master Chef," otherwise known as the "Yum Fest."

Lasse Sorensen is my chef of choice. We discovered the Master Chef from Denmark in a tiny town in Southern Illinois, while on one of our annual morel-hunting weekends. We lived in Chicago at the time and would cheat spring by three weeks by traveling down south around Easter time to scour the woods for the first spring morels.

Lasse used to cook at the Ritz Carlton in SoCal. DeSoto, Illinois is lucky to have him. His restaurant - Tom's Place - is a pleasant find in the middle of nowhere. He cooks Continental cuisine with local ingredients. One of these days he is going to take me out hunting for black trumpet mushrooms and DeSoto blackberries.

He has promised many culinary delights for the seven-course dinner on May 3.

We'll start with an assortment of appetizers - the only item that will contain meat.

The rest of the meal will be based on fish and vegetables. Lasse plans on cooking a dish or two from his native Denmark.

The menu will be somewhat of a surprise. We decided to rely on what was freshest in the marketplace. Lasse likes to cook Hawaiian fish. He is considering lobster, oysters, smoked fish and caviar.

Of course, we'll have some morels in the mix. It was a banner year in Southern Illinois.

Lasse will pick the wines to go with each course.

We'll have an assortment of mini-desserts. They have no calories - right! Crème brûlée anyone?

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