The HR Carnival: Compassion is a Verb-Gratitude is Action!

HR Carnival: Compassion in Action

Today, I am deeply moved:

Mike VanDerVort posted 77 posts to the HR Carnival site. Not only am I touched that my colleagues took the time to participate, I am grateful that so many HR professionals work to put compassion to action.


Gratitude is an action word. Being thankful is a state of mind. Being grateful comes with the responsibility of giving back. Even if we take baby steps in doing so, each random act of kindness makes a difference. My colleague Mike is giving money to a charity-in connection with our posts to HR Carnival. I understand that other colleagues will match his gift. These esteemed colleagues are living examples of gratitude in action.


A definition:

The Dictionary suggests as stated below that compassion is the awareness of suffering-associated with a commitment to do something to alleviate pain in others. What warms my heart about the concept of this edition of HR Carnival is that each person who participated this week is making a difference in their own special way. Each of my colleagues selected a charity that they support. Ghandi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” By participating in this week’s HR Carnival, my colleagues are doing just that.

Step by step, inch by inch practitioners of HR are becoming the change they want to see, because they are doing something important to pave the wave to organizational leadership and excellence. This is one of the blessings I count the day before thanksgiving. I am proud to be associated with such a tremendous group of colleagues. Thanks to each of you, my readers for supporting dynamic compassion—for supporting gratitude in action.

My brand is that of customer service evangelism. This too, is compassion in action. May each of us take the spirit of giving back into our thanksgiving.
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compassionate >

com•pas•sion (k m-p sh n) KEY

Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it. See Synonyms at pity.

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