The Layoff Network for getting people back to work during COVID-19

We started the Layoff List project almost a year ago - when COVID hit, we got a 2000% spike in traffic and dozens of companies going through layoffs started emailing us spreadsheets of their departing employees asking if we could help.

It was almost immediately clear that a mailing list and spreadsheets were not going to be enough for the scale of what is happening. Everyone has to be working on this together.

I’m proud to announce the launch of Layoff Network - a way for everyone to help those affected by layoffs, no matter where you are or what the scale. 

How it works

  1. Anyone - companies or individuals, can nominate their colleagues being laid off
  2. Companies that are still hiring get a live feed of nominations with search and filters
  3. Job seekers can get connected to companies via introductions through the network

We’ve launched it for free. No strings attached, and we already have over 100 companies that are still hiring who want to get introduced to you. You can join here

This is just the beginning - we’ll be adding more features to help investors helping their portfolio companies, and tools for companies that need to conduct high volume layoffs at scale which can significantly reduce their costs.

Most importantly, we’re building this with privacy in mind - so that you don’t get spammed and that can stay in control of your information. 

For companies going through layoffs

If you’re a company going through layoffs, you can submit to our Layoff List for free and we'll take care of the rest. We'll have some premium options, but it's default free for everyone during COVID.

About Drafted and Vinayak

Vinayak Ranade is the founder and CEO at Drafted. For the last few years, our team has been working on building the best network recruiting platform for companies. There are dozens, if not hundreds of job boards and workflow tools for recruiting, but almost none of them focus on the single most effective way to hire - the company network.

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