Are you a likable employee?  Are you a likable person?  Do you compliment others?  Do you genuinely care about others well being?  Are you someone else's confidant?  Do you encourage others to do their best?  When you smile, do you mean it?  

Simple questions.  Hard answers. I'm not talking about Facebook likable, but truly likable. If you answered yes to these questions, then you are someone people want to be around.  If not, chances are, no matter how successful you become, it will bite you in the ass down the line.  

If you are someone who is successful because of someone else's misfortune or mistakes, you aren't very likable.  If you are in it for yourself and no one else, no one is going to want to help you when you need help the most.  


When you live your life, live like every day is your last.  How would you want to be treated?  How would you treat others?  What are you going to do differently this year?  Do you choose to be likable or could you care less?  People don't want to hang out with people that aren't likable. Likable doesn't mean you are always everyone's best friend. Sometimes mentors, friends have to be tough on others. Ultimately, people like Bill Parcells are seen as likable because he gets people to achieve their best results. How would you like to be remembered when you are no longer around?  


I, for one, would like to be remembered as a likeable individual.  What would you change?  When would you make that change.  On your favorite day of the week?  Monday, Tuesday, or "Someday"?  Start making the change today and success will follow where ever you go. 

If you liked this article, please share it, follow me on Twitter at @WThomsonJr, and send me a Linkedin invitation. You can read my weekly blogs at .  I am looking forward to networking with you


Views: 478

Comment by Will Thomson on January 17, 2013 at 11:19am

Thanks Kristin!  I was motivated to write this after a Church service in Austin talking about the Mayan calandar and the "what if" the world would have really come to an end in December.  How would you like to be remembered and what would you do differently?  Really made me think.  We all need to be a little kinder to one another and genuinely care.  Being Likable isn't the end all, but you will be a better person and professional if you treat others with respect and dignity.  Too often we get caught up in this crazy world and do things that we could have done differently.  We all need each others help at some point in each others life!  People will go out of their way to help you if you help them.  Thus, you are likable.


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