Today I dropped off Kennedy, my daughter, at Kindergarten just like I do every day. When I was walking her to class, I was deep in thought. Kennedy was holding my hand tightly and my 2 year old son, Trace, was in my arms. I passed the cross-guard and said “hello” just like I do every morning. I walked in the school doors and dropped her off in the cafeteria with all of the other students. I looked around and saw all of the teachers, moms, dads, kids, janitors, and cafeteria personnel. Trace came home with me and I left him with our nanny. I was off to work (the one I get paid to do).
This experience wasn’t any different than yesterday or the day before. What was so profound was that I took a second and soaked up what I was seeing. It was right in front of me. I am often so consumed with what I am doing that I don’t think about the others. In a world filled with satisfying our needs, I would venture to say most don’t think about others either.
No, I am not talking about the TV Show “Lost” and “the others”. I am talking about others that have just as much significance as I have. I am talking about the ones that get up every morning and go to work just like I do. We all have our place in this world. Everyone’s role in this world is important. Our minds are constantly consumed about OUR day, what we are doing at OUR job, and what we need to be doing. Why don't we realize the significance of what others do also?
I think we don't realize, and often take for granted, that everyone's job is the Most Important Job in the World. Every Profession and every job is important. God put us on this earth to do something. No one job is more important than the other. We are ALL EQUAL. We are ALL HUMAN. If you are the President of the United States or a Postman, you are important! It is what we were put here to do!
Saying all of this it is important to remember one thing. Do not let a job define you. YOU define the job. Pray about where you are needed most and use your skill to the best of your ability. If someone is not utilizing your skills to the best of your ability, go somewhere that will.
Now that you realize you ARE doing THE MOST IMPORTANT JOB IN THE WORLD, get to it! We need you. The world needs you. Give 100% every day, because all of us count on what you do. Never compromise your integrity and you will impact someones lives.
Thank you school teachers, cross-guards, and cafeteria personnel. Your role has helped me make my child a better person. For that, I am very greatful.
Think about who you have encountered this week and how they have impacted you. You will be deep in thought also.
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