The Rise of the Twitterati (per Kathleen Parker)

"In the Information Age: Knowing equals Being." - Kathleen Parker , Washington Post (may require free sign-up - worth it if you want to follow the DC political scene)

She asks, "Come to think of it, how long before we begin to expect, if not demand, that public officials twitter?" I think she has something here: Shareholders should demand that executives twitter - sort of like an electronic ankle bracelet for criminals. Hiring managers should twitter to at least all high potential candidates. Recruiters should twitter if nothing else to placate their bosses who ask, "Are you ever going to get off that job board and talk to someone?"

Recruiter tweet:"Twittering to 17 candidates right now."

Will the phone become passé now???

Views: 105

Comment by Maureen Sharib on December 3, 2008 at 8:21am
Related article on ERE today.
Comment by Steve Levy on December 3, 2008 at 10:22am
Except for...

"Technology is by the far the most effective way to source potential candidates."

Depends upon so many factors.
Comment by Steve Levy on December 3, 2008 at 1:10pm
Then there's the other 10 percent...
Comment by Lindsay on December 4, 2008 at 2:39pm
Twitter’s a great tool, but conversation IS still king for recruiting, and good technology (like Twitter) just better enables that conversation.
GreenJobInterview provides an example -- web-based video interviewing using web cams. It can save time, money, travel and resources over in-person interviews for that first time connection.


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