Anyone can write an article about what recruiters are looking for and suggest their own tips on how to land interviews and job offers, but how many of those articles are written from the heart of an IT staffing and consulting firm where hundreds of applicants are screened daily?
Here’s exactly what today’s recruiters are looking for and how you can be the person that stands out from the crowd:
Integrity- We all know recruiters spend mere seconds when sifting through resumes to identify possible candidates. Keyword spamming or excessively listing skills are red flags that suggest your resume doesn’t accurately reflect what you can do. Trying to impress by listing skills you don’t really have will only serve to hurt you in the long run and it will sour a relationship with a recruiter.
Openness- Entrepreneurship is prevalent with contractors and many go off to start their own companies. If there is a period of time on your resume spent working for yourself, there ought to be some evidence to back up who your clients were and the work you performed. Otherwise, it just seems like gilded unemployment, which goes back to integrity.
Truth- Many candidates have personal profiles on social media and sometimes feel the need to create a fake “shell profile” to put forward. It’s perfectly okay to want your personal life to stay personal. If that’s the case, just say so. By creating an unused profile, it sends a message that you have something to hide.
Alignment- Does all of the information presented create a clear picture about who you are? With social media, it’s becoming easier to find out more about someone’s personality and work ethic from their online presence. Align your profiles with the image you wish to portray.
Social Professionalism- Nearly everyone has a profile on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or a combination thereof. If you want to be seen as a hard-working, low-risk candidate, it’s best not to be out all weekend long, and you do not want the evidence available for all to see online. Act in the manner in which you would want to be publically portrayed.
Strong Communication Skills- Say what you believe and believe what you say. Every time you interact with recruiters through emails, phone calls or interviews, you will be judged on your confidence and conscientiousness level. Dress to impress and put your best foot forward when talking about what you can do to help the organization. Workers get paid for bringing value to a company, so don’t sell yourself short. Confidence inspires people to believe in you- and that’s a selling point for advancing your application.
Good References- If you have five years experience in your field, surely you’ll have at least three references to back you up. If not, then it’s a red flag that suggest something is off about your history or how you left past jobs.
A Solid Network- Similar to references, a solid network shows that you are immersed in the industry and take the time to foster lasting relationships with colleagues and friends. Interpersonal skills are a big part of the work environment and can put you in a leading position as a candidate.
Follow Through- Do what you say you’re going to do. Could you be trusted on the job if you don’t follow through with a simple task such as calling the recruiter back at 9am? That may seem small, but first impressions are hard to shake. The little things all add up quickly, so make sure everyone you connect with feels good about you as a candidate. When it’s between you and several other people, missing an email or being late could be the thing that breaks your application.
A full ATM- Think of your relationships with recruiters as an ATM. The money represents goodwill and can be put in and taken out. Ideally, you want as much as possible in the machine for future use to draw on. Build it up by staying in touch, updating on progress, and keeping your word. Conversely, do your best not to neglect the relationship because you are pursuing a different road or took another offer. If you keep taking money out, eventually the ATM shuts off and there’s nothing left to draw on in the future.
Keep in mind that excelling in these areas will help you to achieve and fulfill your professional goals and objectives.
Originally Posted on Eliassen Group's Blog at
Follow Through can't be stressed enough.
Thanks to everyone who shared this post. It means a lot to me :D
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