You apply for a job that seems like it would be the perfect fit for you then you get a small rush of excitement. A couple of days later you receive a call or an email from the hiring manager for the position you applied for! You hang up the phone and the interview is scheduled. Now you are feeling optimistic with a twinge of nervousness. Determined to get that job you investigate the company, practice how you will answer their questions and last, but not least the day of the interview you are wearing your confidence not to mention the best suit in your closet. YOU ARE READY!
The interview seemed to go really well. You have a good feeling that you will receive an offer. Having done your homework you followed up with the hiring manager to show you are genuinely interested in the opportunity. Days and weeks go by with no response at that point you come to the realization you did not get the job.
You rack your brain trying to figure out where you went wrong, but you just can’t figure it out because you prepared yourself for the interview, dressed in a well fitted suit and answered the interview questions without fumbling. All that goes through your mind after this let down is WHAT DID I DO WRONG?!
1) The hiring manager was intimidated by you, wondering “Would this potential candidate make me look inadequate if I hired him or her?” You quite possibly were viewed as a threat because at the end of the day nobody wants someone else taking their job.
2) The manager didn’t hire you because they could tell that you might not be the type of person to stay with this company given the level of disorganization and disarray in the department.
3) The manager didn’t hire you because upper management referred someone else for the position. The hiring manager then decided it would be in their best interest to hire the person their boss wants them to hire. Remember a lot of times it’s not what you know it’s who you know. The reason I stress making connections and networking is for that very reason.
4) You didn’t get the job because of your salary expectations. They have a budget of how much they can compensate an employee. If they think you will accept a lower pay rate they will offer that amount to you first in some cases.
5) The hiring manager met another candidate who came from the same industry and already has the training to perform the job right away not to mention they have more relevant experience.
6) Simply put the hiring manager did not like you for some reason or another. In life some people just rub you the wrong way or personalities clash. There really is nothing you can do in a situation like that.
7) You are overqualified for the position which often leads to the overqualified employee not staying with the company long, but they accept it because they NEED a job now. All the while the overqualified employee is looking for a position that will pay them what they are worth given their qualifications.
The most important lesson that every job-seeker needs to learn is that not every job/company deserves you.
Keep yourself open to other opportunities and never put all your eggs into 1 basket while on the job hunt. Cast a wider net by putting your professionally written resume and cover letter on numerous job search engines, look at all the connections you have on LinkedIn along with attending networking events to increase your connections.
One last piece of advice please write down company names along with the position titles you apply for to keep yourself on track and to stay organized.
I wish you the very best of luck on your job search. If you need any assistance don’t hesitate to send me a message or email
"Faith it till you make it."- Natasha Negahbanzadeh
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