Rich Peterson says there is nothing worse than being in an interview and the being asked a question to which you don't know the answer.

Avoid the dreaded debacle and go into the interview prepared. Familiarize yourself with a few common difficult questions and arm yourself with answers prepared ahead of time.

Check out these tough interview questions and some suggested responses in order to avoid an interview disaster: 

Tough question No. 1: "Tell me about yourself."

This is usually the opening question in an interview and it's the perfect moment for you to toot your own horn -- not to tell your life history. Your answers should be a quick rundown of your qualifications and experience. Talk about your education, work history, recent career experience and future goals.

A Typical Answer: "I graduated from University of Maryland and since then, I have been working in public relations with an agency where I have generated PR hits for my clients. While I've enjoyed working on the agency side, I'm looking to advance and start doing PR for corporate companies such yours."

My Personal Favorite:

"When Would You Like Me to Start"

Rich Peterson is certain that you now have "Control" of the Interview.


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