There is still time to find a great summer job!

I am amazed at how many jobs continue to pop up on for this summer. Granted there are a few winter employers getting a jump on things, but most of these summer jobs start immediately or within the next month or so. And, there are even winter resorts who are now hiring for the summer so don't miss the ski resorts page. Therefore, if you still need a job for the summer of 2010 and you want to work in a great place, i.e. outside, in or near a national park, on a lake, at a resort, you've still got time.

Now your next question may be "How do I get hired?" Well, there are several ways to go about this.

  • Know (sort of) what you want to do
  • Research employers to determine which ones offer you the experience / location / benefits / job experience you're looking to find
  • APPLY!
  • Follow up
  • Send a thank you note
  • Call Human Resources (HR) to confirm that your application was received and to keep your name fresh in their minds
  • Apply to other employers to keep your options open and not put all of your eggs in one basket
  • Be flexible - with your dates, your job choice, your schedule, and your mind
  • Be nice
  • Share your enthusiasm with others and find support on My CoolWorks

If you have any more questions about working for a seasonal employer in a great place, here are some suggestions for that too.

Need more tips, check out all of the posts tagged "tips and tales." We've tried to share our collective knowledge so do some reading and you'll be amazed what a great resource My CoolWorks is.

Thanks for reading. Join our world if you haven't. And, remember Cool Works can be found on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn too.

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