Ideally the best thing you can do is try to find an internship which is related to your degree or passion. One of my favourite rockers, Ozzy Osbourne worked in a slaughterhouse before rising to fame with Black Sabbath! This is the best way to gain real life experience as well as having something terrific to put on your resume. For example, if you’re studying business then an Intern in a big financial bank would be fantastic and also good pay (but long hours!) In reality however you have left finding an internship to the last moment and now you find yourself searching for a summer job that pays well without consuming your entire summer.

No matter what job you’re doing over the summer never forget to network. Speak to people, ask questions, learn new skills and most importantly have fun.

And if you think you’re too good for a summer job think again. Some of the biggest stars in the world spent their summer mopping floors at a local Dairy Queen (Gwen Stefani) or saved up some extra cash as a paper boy (Tom Cruise). Matthew McConaughey found himself short of cash when travelling around Australia (before he was famous) and took a job on a farm moving chicken manure.

Top 20 Summer Jobs:

  • Sales: The skills you learn in a sales job will help you for the rest of your life.
  • Post office worker (great pay!)
  • National Park services
  • Camp counsellors (not great pay but accommodation and food is free)
  • Resort or country club (Get paid to live by the pool)
  • Tour guide
  • Restaurant staff
  • Web design
  • Tutoring (Be your own boss – great pay!)
  • Telemarketing – Can you sell? Are you a talented speaker? Telemarketers may annoy you but the good ones can make a lot of money
  • Campus Jobs – Working in the labs – Check out jobs area in your university
  • Construction worker
  • Valet
  • Pet and House Sitting
  • Writing articles for sites that will pay you
  • Convention Worker – Is the boat show in town?
  • Landscaping
  • Lifeguards
  • Dog walker
  • Barista

Gavin is the founder of RedStarResume:

We are an online business helping college students, graduates and young professionals with their resume writing and job searching

Follow us on twitter!

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