Unemployed and Grateful: Happy Thanksgiving

HR-Thanksgiving-My Gratitude List
23rd November 2009 written by Margo Rose

For those of us in HR-every day-is one to give thanks. Passionate about my work, writing gives me an outlet for my creativity.

Many people, like myself, find themselves unemployed right before the holidays. It’s hard to give thanks during a recession. Transition has its challenges. However, I can find so many things for which I can give thanks.

1) Regardless of what I lose, I will never lose my faith. Even when times are hard, I have an unshakable foundation.

2) Health. It sounds so cliche’ yet I lost my Mother, Father, and Brother in the past few years. I have a friend who’s fighting cancer. I am so deeply grateful for my strong body and mind. Family: I am blessed to have a son I simply adore. He is my sunshine. (no, I didn’t want to make that a separate bullet point). G-d, family and health go hand in hand.

3) My contact network. I have made so many friends on twitter, linkedin, facebook. I can’t begin to count the blessings these wonderful people have bestowed. There’s jobangels, and unconferences like HRevolution, Trulondon, OnRec09, and summitup. All of these people and events add so much value to my life.

4) My friends. Where would any of us be without our friends. In my experience, if you want to have a friend, you have to be a friend. I want to be the kind of friend who goes the extra mile to be present and available to my true friends regardless of the time of day or night.

5) My skills, knowledge and abilities. While I don’t currently have a job, no one can take away my strengths, my expertise, my know how and my passion for excellence. I am always working in my mind. I get lost in my writing, and it makes me feel whole.

There are so many blessings to count. The two who are dearest to me are my two shih tzus, Bozzie and Carmen. Bozzie is going on 15. He can barely walk, or see, but like me he has an unquenchable thirst for life. Carmen is also an elderly pup, but he still has a spring in his step, and knows how to make me smile.

I am most grateful for the peace, serenity and gratitude within my heart. My list of online friends is so long I can’t begin to count. When I moved my blog from wordpress to my new domain, I did not import my blogroll. Over thanksgiving I’m going to set up an extensive blogroll so I can point you to the blogs I love the most.

Most of all, I am grateful to you my readers. Thank you for taking the time to support my humble blog

Views: 69

Comment by Will Branning on November 24, 2009 at 5:49pm

Thanks for sharing some things you are grateful for...it was inspiring. God Bless & Happy Thanksgiving!

Will Branning
Comment by Michael Long on November 24, 2009 at 7:28pm
Very nice post Margo! Thanks for sharing!


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