what books would you recommend to a beginner??


There's always been that one good book or great video that someone kept or refers to when they start out in recruiting.  Being that there is so much to chose from out there with mixed reviews.... how does someone like me who is a beginner choose??  


So Please, to all the great recruiters that wouldn't mind sharing some advice as to what books, videos, webinars, sites to look at or read would be a great help to all the "rookies"  like me ?

Views: 2795

Comment by Tracey Cress on April 5, 2011 at 9:27am
A classic . . . How to Win Customers and Keep them for Life  by Michael LeBoeuf, Ph.D.   
Comment by Suresh on April 6, 2011 at 11:15am

Hi Mario

What you are doing is very smart. Here is something that applies to all businesses, particularly if you want to compete for the long term.

My personal favorite is "22 Immutable Laws of Marketing" by Al Ries and Jack Trout. This is a very easy read but extremely insightful on how large companies make mistakes and what can small businesses do.

The key lesson that I took away is Differentiate or you will die and how the human mind and perception are so hard to change.


Good luck


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