Making a strong impression during an interview makes or breaks your chances at landing a job. Being called in for an interview is always a good sign. Based on what the employer has seen on a resume, he/she thinks you might be a good fit. The interview, however, has to go over extremely well in order to receive a job offer.
While many prospective employees put a huge amount of effort into crafting a great resume, they don't brush up on their interview skills. So, the interview turns out to be a disappointment for everyone.
Rather than strike out on an interview, put the right effort into developing a few really helpful interview traits. You definitely want to impress an interviewer.
Dress the Part
There is no room for being creative. Casual won't cut it. Follow tried and true apparel tips for looking great during an interview. Men and women both must wear business attire. Otherwise, the job seeker's look won't appear professional. And to be honest, dressing improperly would be a downright insult to the would-be employer.
Wear the right clothes for an interview. This is a must. Doing otherwise sinks chances quickly.
Be Personable
It never hurts to be nice and approachable. Small talk works wonders. A smile goes a long way. All these tips are great when socializing. Guess what? These personable actions work wonders when going on a job interview. People who are social, friendly, upbeat, and confident usually evoke positive reactions from others.
Now, this does not mean to avoid taking the interview seriously or veering too far into small talk or prattle. That won't impress anyone. Neither will acting too robotic or stiff during the interview. Be professional and friendly. Such a mix should work effectively for you.
Display Your Value
Talking about past performance or how much you want to join the company's team won't be enough to move a company toward hiring anyone. Getting across just how valuable you are, however, could move things in a more positive direction for you. Do you have experience running a marketing dashboard? Let the interviewer know this. Tell him or her about all your primary talents and skills. Doing so only works in your favor.
Any value you possess ends up being a benefit the company can tap if it hires you. Yes, even little things such as having knowledge of social media promotions or SEO could swing a hiring decision. While you don't want to brag, you should spell out all the major skills you possess. The company may need those skills.
Be Up to Date on the Industry
Researching all the facts about the company you intend to interview with makes sense. Interviewers who walk in ignorant of a company's mission, goals or operations don't exactly present themselves as the most informed applicants. Truly informed applicants go beyond knowing about the company. They know about the current state of the industry the company is involved with.
Interviewees who can discuss current events in the industry are sure to impress. They likely are not going to need a huge learning curve when hired. So, brush up on what is happening in the industry. This way, more concrete and detailed -- and impressive -- conversations can take place during the interview.
Stay Calm
Advice to stay calm definitely falls under the "easier said than done" category. The advice must be taken to heart though. Being nervous or fidgety during an interview won't exactly impress. Maintaining the classic calm, cool, and collective approach to the proceedings would make you look good.
It also helps to look/be like the people in the office....
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