There are not only 5 things that makes me smart recruiter. I would like to mention at least 5 out of that.

1) I know how and when to use the resources.

2) I always look for the new innovative ways/ideas for finding best profiles.

3) I am good in relationship building, i keep contact with the consultants as well as with vendors.

4) I like to learn new things so whenever i find something that i do not know, i make a note of it and later on i search and learn about it.

5) I take care of the time. I do not waste my time. I work in a very organized manner.

Swati Datta

Views: 83

Comment by Judith Mare on February 25, 2009 at 5:58pm
Your 5 things tips is very useful for every recruiter. Its quite inspiring and brings out a new fire into the ones who reads this. I wish to be a recruiter again just to follow these 5 steps but still im thinking how best i can use them.


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