What makes me a Smart Recruiter ... Am I a smart recruiter?

Let's see... what makes me a 'smart recruiter'?

Jason has asked for 5 reasons why I feel I am a smart recruiter ... well, I'm polite, consummately professional and courteous. Whenever I contact someone, I will always ask for a referral (even if I know the person I'm speaking with is 'right'). I always ask a potential candidate if this is 'a good time to talk'. I never lie to candidates or clients (no ruses). My telephone is my friend and every time someone says 'no', I know that I have taken one step closer to 'yes'.

The main thing I do is monetize each call. If I make 100 calls to find one 'ideal' candidate for a client and the fee is significant, then I know that each one of the previous calls I have made has been part of that value chain ... e.g. 100 calls, 1 candidate, 1 fee of $20,000 = $200 a call. I try and project this out into every search, knowing that the net result will be a sizeable fee encourages me to carry on with the calls.

I suppose if every recruiter looked at their calls, contacts and e-mails in the same vain, then we would all be pretty happy with our lot!

Keep the faith ... and "be excellent to each other".

Views: 66

Comment by Katy McGovern on January 6, 2009 at 2:16pm
I am looking for a job in medical sales. Do you know of a good recruiter in Dallas? Thanks, Katy


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