What to look for in a prospective employer

Question from Job seeker

I am soon to graduate with a MBA from one of the UAE’s Top academic institutions. I can confidently say I have attained an excellent education background, impeccable communication and analyzing skills backed with internship experiences at Top Multi National companies in the Middle East. I have already started applying to jobs in the UAE and have 2 to 3 offers waiting in line. I am not sure though, what is it that I must look at first when trying to choose the right organization for me (keeping in mind what I am really seeking is a career path and not just a “job” at this stage). Any insights?

Answer from Bayt HR Guru

Employers today are demanding top credentials and are well positioned to source top candidates given the number of unemployed and under-employed A-players in the marketplace. You obviously do have the credentials, you know what you’re looking for (a solid career path) and you do classify yourself as an A-player. Our recommendation to you then is really simple: Ask yourself what company would satisfy your professional ambitions?

Take the below into consideration:

- A company with a vision: Target a company which involves its community and staff in its plans, a company you can relate to and where your individual objectives can correlate with the corporate strategic objectives.

- A company with a healthy & positive corporate culture: A sense of belonging to the corporate culture- as per 31% of Middle Eastern professionals who have taken part in a Bayt.com survey- is a key motivation and driver for employees to commit to one specific job or company. Target an organization with sound values that you can personally respect and relate to. (Not easy to figure this out before joining? It’s always wise to interact with current employees while you are going through the interview process on the company’s premises. Insider information is priceless!)

- A company which offers opportunities for career development: Look for an employer who is willing to invest in you and support you to advance both personally and professionally: 32% of professionals surveyed in a recent Bayt.com employee motivation survey have agreed that professional growth opportunities are a prime motivator when it comes to committing to a certain job or company. An employer willing to invest meaningfully in their employees is definitely an employer you would want to target.

- A company that does not shun employee recognition: Look for a company with a meritocratic culture and clear reward and recognition schemes where you will receive a strong public and private boost for your efforts. A company that recognizes and acknowledges a job well done is a definitely a keeper.

- A company that provides/ believes in mentor/apprentice relationships: Look for a company that invests the extra effort in turning its managers into mentors. A healthy, positive and mutually beneficial relationship between an employee and his line manager was deemed a key motivational factor by 32% of Middle Eastern professionals surveyed in Bayt.com’s recent motivation survey. You are a knowledge seeker, a career enthusiast and at this stage, you are in need of a mentor. Aim to work for a company that fosters these practices!

Hiring? Visit: www.bayt.com/employers.
Or try our CV Search free trial: http://www.bayt.com/en/search-cv/

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