When choosing a company to work for, does size really matter?

As a staffing company, IT Accel caters to different sized businesses, and our network of talent has different needs as well. Thinking about those two facts, we always focus on gathering pertinent information from both parties to try to create a perfect match that will ultimately lead to the most successful and mutually beneficial work relationship.

On that note, we often hear comparisons between small companies put against larger corporations, and we are sure you have heard it, too. Common statements often sound like this: “At a small company you will have more freedom and responsibility. You will learn more.” – vs. – “Corporations will give you more benefits, but you will be in a cubicle. You will become just a number.”

Since we have heard it all, we have to disagree with those statements, at least to some degree. Companies cannot all be put into stereotypical brackets. Our argument is based on the evidence at hand, along with our customer satisfaction experiences. Looking at this year’s Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work for, we noticed that the companies vary in size. The top 10 alone are a mix that range from small and medium to large sized companies.

These findings support the idea that the size of the company does not really matter when we look at the big picture. A bigger company is not necessarily better or worse than a smaller one, and vice versa. What does it matter then? In our opinion, there are two matching elements that can ensure that both the candidate and the company will be happy-- no matter the size of the business hiring.

1. Culture

A candidate/company match is completely genuine when both parties share the same work culture. If the employee doesn’t share the values and culture, he or she will soon become unmotivated, and the company will have a weaker link on their team. No matter the size of the company, if the culture aligns well, it will keep the employee satisfied and motivated to do his or her job, and the company will reap the benefits of a well-suited match, like improved collaboration.

2. Managing Style

Managing style matching is also vital to ensure the happiness of a candidate. This conversation is a must-have within the company’s departments. If the director does not know how their employees thrive at the workplace, they cannot inspire productivity, and the employee will not be happy. Making sure that managing styles are well-suited will allow the employee to be happy whether he or she is working at a small firm, or at a major sized corporation.

At IT Accel, we are certain that if both parties keep these factors in mind, the importance of company size will diminish. The employees will be happy because ultimately they will be at a fitting work environment that provides emotional benefits, and where they will be efficient due to the compatible management styles. 

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