We recently conducted a Linked IN poll with the question:  What would motivate you the most (to make a job change)?  As of today, we have 440 responses, and the overwhelming choice is Increased opportunity / company quality (at 39%).  The strong second choice is Increased challenges and responsibility (28%).  So these two choices comprise 67% of the responses.  Trailing in the distance are increased compensation (with only 18% of the vote), benefits (9%), and equity (stock) (6%). 

What this says to us is that the companies that make a compelling case that they have a strong value proposition as an employer, and the companies that invest time and thinking in defining clear objectives for people, will have an edge as employers.

Many companies feel that competition for top talent is mostly based on money – and they either fear being unable to compete, or they do the opposite – throw money at people to attract them.  This poll shows that money can be less important if people perceive the quality of the company and the job itself, to be superior.  In fact, over the last few years, we’ve seen top candidates, usually employed and not actively looking for something new, accept positions for little or no increase in pay, when they perceive a clearly superior environment, and they get excited about the challenges.

Check the poll today to see if the results have changed, and let us know if you have a strong opinion about this.

Views: 67


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