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At 3:51pm on May 30, 2008, Thomas F.X. Licari said…

I would like to invite you to attend our networking event June 19th in Chicago - see info below - Or if you don't have time to read this, just download the video

I look forward to seeing you 06/19 in Chicago

Peace ~ Thomas F.X. Licari


ONE OF A KIND RECRUITERS NETWORKING EVENT - Illinois Recruiters Association Networking Event details:

Date: Thursday June 19th, 2008

Time: 5:00pm to 8:00 p.m.

Location: Goose Island - Clybourn
1800 North Clybourn
Chicago, IL
Phone: 312-915-0071

Agenda: Power Networking - Build your network, Extreme face to face style, meet with hundreds of Illinois' top human capital professionals in one spot

Price per person: $40.00

Purchase your tickets: Visit

Event Sponsor -

Join Jobfox and hundreds of Chicago area recruiters for a complimentary lunch presentation June 18, 19, or 25 and try at no cost. Recruiters who attend will receive one job opening posted live on at no cost, showing the actual candidates' highly matched and ranked resumes. Millions of employed candidates are drawn to, making it the fastest growing online job site, used by

thousands of employers in Illinois and nationwide. Space often goes quickly for's lunch presentations, so register today or tomorrow to take advantage of this special offer. Register today via and enter Priority Code 6IRE8 today.

Sponsored by

Meet New People, Reconnect with Colleagues AND WIN PRIZES -2008 Networking Contest

• Michele Porfilio from Crowe Chizek will be running our first networking contest which will take place during the event. How to enter; you must attend the event to take part. This contest will test your

ability to network face to face. Are you a top networker? Now is your chance to prove it. Come to our event and test yourself!

• Thomas F.X. Licari will be handling the second networking contest which will take place before the event; How to enter - Forward this invite to your recruiting network and get your recruiters friends to

join you for the event on 6/19. If you refer the most recruiters to attend our event you win.

• All winners will be listed on website as “Top Networkers”

• Prizes: iPods, Gas Cards, Gift Cards and Illinois Recruiters t-shirts!

(Don't wait purchase your tickets today! We are on pace to sell out two weeks before the meeting! (Tickets for the 6/19 event are going fast)

Special thanks to our Networking Contest Sponsors -

MANPOWER PROFESSIONAL: We lead in the creation and delivery of services that enable our clients to win in the changing world of work. To learn more visit -

Crowe Chizek and Company LLC: Under our core purpose of "Building Value with Values®," Crowe Chizek and Company LLC provides innovative business solutions in the areas of assurance, benefit plan services,

financial advisory, forensic services, performance services, risk consulting, and tax consulting. Crowe, a Crowe Group LLP entity, was founded in 1942. One of the top 10 public accounting and consulting

firms in the United States, Crowe also serves clients worldwide as a leading independent member of the Horwath International global professional services organization. To learn more visit -


REcruiting Blogs

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Post or review Recruiting Opportunities (FREE)

Is your company looking to hire recruiters, staffing directors, or are you
looking for a new contract/fulltime work? Check out this link
At 7:50pm on December 10, 2007, Lisa said…
Learn How Your Blog Spot Can Receive Free Advertising through

Do you want to attract more visitors to your career site but don’t have the budget for a big advertising or public relations campaign? No problem.

One of the most efficient and effective ways to attract highly targeted visitors to any web site is by increasing the number of visitors who find you in the organic (free) results of search engines such as Google and Yahoo. But how do you increase the number of those visitors? Make your web site come up higher in the results so more of your targeted visitors will see your site and click through. Two of the best ways of making your site come up higher in the search results are to add more content to your site and to increase the number of links to your site.

The Recruiting Blogswap at can help your career site come up higher in the search engine results because you can use it to increase the amount of content on your site and the number of links to your site. The Recruiting Blogswap is a FREE service of job board but used by a wide variety of career sites. Some of the career sites want to attract candidates with years of experience, with certain skills, or from certain geographic areas. Other career sites which participate want to attract human resource professionals, hiring managers, or others on the employer side of the desk. But all of them use the Recruiting Blogswap to increase the number of targeted visitors to their site and they don’t pay a dime to do so.

If you have career-related articles, then sign up with the Recruiting Blogswap as an author. Your articles will automatically include a byline that will tell the readers about your organization and will link to your web site. Those articles will run on recruiting blogs which have signed up to publish articles written by you and other authors. When your articles run on those other sites, they will link to your site and that link will be in close proximity to the description of your organization in your byline. Google and the other search engines will infer from the proximity of the link to those keywords that your site is a good source for those who are searching for that information so your site will be moved up in the search engine results when people search on those keywords.

If you want to add more content to your site, then sign up with the Recruiting Blogswap as a publisher. You’ll receive articles from authors and may publish them on your site. If you choose not to, then the articles that you’re sent will be re-assigned to the next publisher in line. You’re never under an obligation to publish an article so you don’t have to worry about being asked to run an article that will be of no interest to your visitors. And by adding more articles to your site, when Google, Yahoo, and the other search engines find those articles, they’ll include them in their search results and will direct your most desired visitors to your site when they search for that type of content. Also, when you add more pages to your site, the search engines rank all of your pages higher as sites with more pages tend to be more likely to have the information being searched for.

Sound good? I thought so. What’s the catch? None. All of the participants get something of value. The authors get links back to their sites from the web sites of the publishers so the web sites of the authors appear higher in the search engine results. The publishers get more pages so their web sites appear higher in the search engines results. gets a very short blurb in each article and archives a copy of each article on our site so our site appears higher in the search engine results.

Want to sign up as an author, publisher, or both? Great. Go to and get started today.

Please let me know if I may be of any additional assistance. I am here to help.

Lisa Colbert | Client Services Representative


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