While honesty is indeed the best policy, too many prospective employees tend to stretch the truth-- or not use the truth at all-- when they are making their resumes. If you are an employer, it can be beneficial for you to know about the most common lies you may find on a resume. If you are in the position of looking for a job, it is in everyone's best interest if you are factual and honest. No one wants to hire someone who lacks the integrity to be truthful-- and even attempting to pass something off as a “little white lie” can backfire.

One of the most common mistakes on a resume is that the person is not honest about why he left his previous job. While some people may be concerned that a negative reason, such as getting fired or quitting, will reflect badly on him and decrease his chances of being hired for a new job, lying about it is much worse in the long run. If you are truthful, a good prospective employer may give you the chance to explain the circumstances under which you lost your prior job. In general, being terminated or quitting will not reflect as badly on you if you show that you are responsible and honest.

Many people also lie about their educations. While you may not think that this is a relevant factor if your prospective job does not require a specific form and amount of education, it is relevant to the prospective employer. If you did not earn the degree at the college you attended, you can simply state that fact or leave it off of the resume altogether. Although having a college degree is impressive, it is not impressive if you claim to have one which you actually did not earn.

Most job applications will ask you what your salary was at your previous job. This information can also be included on your resume. While there is no legitimate purpose in not being completely accurate with this information, it is surprising how many people believe that if they claim they had a higher salary than they actually received, this will somehow guarantee more money at their new job. In most cases, one's prior salary is not a huge concern to a prospective employer-- but one's honesty about it is a concern.

You will probably be asked to state the title or position you held in your last job. When considering you for a position, this is something your prospective employer needs to know. Whether the question comes up on a job application, the resume, or in an interview, stating the facts without any embellishment is the appropriate way of being considered for the position which you are qualified to hold.

It is important to be factual about your prior accomplishments as well. Whether you were in the position of leadership, being a team-player, or any other role in the company, being accurate about what you contributed to the company will be much better than trying to convince someone that you did something which you did not do.

Employers and employees alike should realize that truthfulness on a job resume is in everyone's best interest. It will save everyone a considerable amount of time, and it will help to ensure that the most qualified candidate gets hired for the job.

Views: 102

Comment by Crimcheck on December 10, 2019 at 9:12am


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