Using Sales Powers for Good, Not Evil—Scott’s Sales Yoga Thought for the Day

Some salespeople seem to be channeling their inner Darth Vader, attempting to will customers to buy using the Force—Sales Force. Using Jedi mind tricks and their trusty tongue sabers, they attempt to convince, cajole, and manipulate people into saying “yes.” Even the best of salespeople, including those with high integrity and ethics, are still perceived as being Sales Villains when they talk too much or engage in tired, archaic techniques like feature-benefit selling and client control.

Practitioners of Sales Yoga (Sales Yogis) embody more of a Yoda mindset by engaging in Sales Flow. Sales Flow engages buyers in a collaborative process where the needs of all parties are met. Launching Questions are used to clarify objectives, circumstances, and challenges. Fully understanding buyer needs, we tailor our recommendations to exactly what they are looking for.

As a result of Sales Flow, buyers walk away feeling listened to and taken care of. The seller is more likely to gain new customers, and more valuable ones at that, because buyers were more involved in the process of choosing their course of action instead of being handed options—none of which may work for them.

If you want to make a difference in how you sell, Sales Force has got to go, giving way to Sales Flow. May the Flow be with you.


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